April 25, 2024

Soil Moisture Temperature Tester Analyzes Types of Soil Capillary Water

Human production and life are inseparable from water, and the growth of plants must also have water. However, the supply of water needs to be within an appropriate amount, and it is generally necessary to measure the moisture content of the soil with a speedometer, so that it is possible to analyze how much water the plant needs for growth. Too little soil moisture is not conducive to the growth of the plant. Too much soil moisture tends to rot the plant roots, so irrigation needs to be precise.

Soil moisture has different sources. The soil moisture mainly comes from atmospheric precipitation and irrigation water. In addition, the increase of groundwater and the condensation of moisture in the atmosphere is also the source of soil moisture. The content of soil moisture can be measured using a soil moisture temperature measuring instrument. Soil moisture has different forms, one of which is capillary water. What is capillary water? The so-called capillary water is the moisture retained by the capillary force generated by the capillary pores in the soil. This is called capillary water. There are two types of capillary water:

1. Capillary support water (capillary rise water): The capillary water associated with the groundwater level in the soil is called capillary support water. Capillary support water is closely related to groundwater and often changes with changes in groundwater level.

2. Capillary water: The capillary water that is not associated with the groundwater level in the soil is called capillary water. In the loamy soil where the capillary system is developed, the suspended water mainly exists in the water-holding pores. However, the undeveloped sandy soils of the capillary system and the suspended water mainly surround the places where the sand grains contact each other, and are called contact waters.

The form of soil moisture is different, but the ultimate effect is the same, both to promote the growth of plants, crops, and increase production. Different plants have different requirements for soil moisture, so we need to use the soil moisture temperature tester to make accurate irrigation.

Corn Drying Tower

At present, the drying tower of the corn drying tower is operated in succession. The tower is installed outdoors. The dry tower is composed of storage layer, dry layer, tempering layer, cooling section, grain unloading organization, emergency grain unloading organization, tower, hot air suction organization, moisture removal organization, hot air fan organization, cooling fan organization, required motor and others Components. Commonly used in large-scale grain storage projects. Suitable for dryness of rice, sorghum, soybean, corn, wheat and other cereals.

During the dry period at the top, the high-heat air rapidly warms the grain and removes part of the surface of the particles.

In the moderate heating stage, a large amount of water is taken away by the moderately heated air.

After passing through the high heat and medium heat stages, the temperature of the particles increases, so low heat air is used in the dry stage at the bottom. Low-calorie air can easily remove the moisture inside the grain, but it is necessary to prevent the grain temperature from being too high.

The dry grain enters the cooling stage. After sufficient cooling, the grain with moisture and temperature can directly enter the silo for storage.

Corn Drying Tower,Maize Dryer Machine,Grain Drying Tower,Corn Drying Equipment

JINFENG DRYING EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD , https://www.jf-graindry.com